Living Alaska, Weather Report
It is Cold. It is going to Snow, hard for days, then snow some more. About the only thing my friends in California had right about moving to Alaska is the weather. It is cold here. But it is cold in lots of places around the world. Alaska is not unique to cold weather. In fact, it is not unique at all.
I live in Southeast Alaska. It rains a lot there. My town received 140 inches of rain this year. I was glad when it got cold and started to snow. It was different than the rain. I had to put away my bicycles for the rest of the winter, it just got too dangerous to ride in the snow and ice. Snow was not so bad, but the ice was brutal.
I work on a ship that runs up and down the coast of Alaska. Today I am in Whittier and tomorrow, Kodiak. The weather is nice today, warm at 15 degrees. It is mid-December, so my Alaskan co-workers are wearing shorts and a t-shirt. Ok, they are wearing long sleeve t-shirts. My friends got this one right though. I have not been eaten by a bear, I have not built an igloo, and I have not fallen into a crab pot. I have gotten cold because it is cold in Alaska, but I still love it.
From Kodiak, Alaska with love.