What I Did Yesterday is Important

I Voted

2 min readOct 10, 2022


Photograph by Author


In every city, state, and country, voting is important. There are places in the world voting is not free. There are countries at war, issues at home. My hope was the internet would make the world more cohesive, understanding cultural issues. Rather than embrace differences many use differences to divide us. I chose to learn and embrace different ideas, values, concept, rights, and privileges of all groups. It is easy to see differences and point them out. It is much harder to embrace and look for ways to work with all the people rather than a few. We need to work together; we are one species.


I chose to vote in local, state, and national elections. I am a firm believer if you do not vote, you give up the right to complain. This is your chance to make your voice heard. I do not care who you vote for, or what side of an issue you stand on. What I care about is each person has a chance to voice their opinion. I am not a politician and keep my views about politics to myself. I am not a hater, but a lover. I would love to hear your opinion at the polls and not in my post. As the mid-term elections rapidly approach, please Vote. It is Important, no matter how tiny your voice is, it is still your voice, your vote, your choice.

